Alexandra Park Dental


Proudly Serving Leduc


Understanding Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): A Guide by Alexandra Park Dental

Posted by Jacob on Wed, 19 Jun 2024

Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a serious sleep disorder that affects many people, impacting their sleep quality and overall health. But what exactly is severe OSA? At Alexandra Park Dental, we believe that understanding this condition is the first step towards effective management and improved health. What is Severe OSA? Severe OSA is a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep due to blocked airways. This results in significant drops in oxygen l...

Understanding Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): A Guide by Alexandra Park Dental, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Common Cosmetic Dental Problems and Their Solutions

Posted by Jacob on Tue, 2 Apr 2024

While your appearance isn't the most crucial aspect of who you are, it's often the first thing others notice. Feeling confident in your smile is important, and fortunately, most common cosmetic dental problems are easily fixable. Here are some examples and how they can be addressed: Discolored Teeth Teeth may be irregularly shaped due to bruxism (grinding and clenching), genetics, or other factors. Your dentist might recommend treatments such as veneers, dental bonding, or metal-free...

Common Cosmetic Dental Problems and Their Solutions, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Snoring Might Seem Harmless, But It Could Signal A Serious Condition

Posted by Jacob on Tue, 6 Feb 2024

What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea occurs when your upper airway becomes blocked during sleep, causing you to stop breathing for periods ranging from seconds to minutes. These interruptions can happen numerous times throughout the night, depriving your brain and body of essential oxygen and putting you at risk of respiratory failure. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to severe health issues, including diabetes, depression, headaches, high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, and irregular heartbe...

Snoring Might Seem Harmless, But It Could Signal A Serious Condition, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You? Signs to Consider

Posted by Jacob on Mon, 8 Jan 2024

Feeling Anxious About Dental Treatment? Not everyone feels at ease with dental treatments. Sometimes, past experiences or how dentists are shown in movies can make you nervous. But your dentist cares about your comfort. They might suggest oral conscious sedation to help you relax. Here's how you might know if it's a good choice: Uncomfortable in the Dental Chair Do you have a medical condition that makes sitting still during dental treatment hard? For example, arthritis might...

Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You? Signs to Consider, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Understanding the Sudden Disappearance of a Toothache

Posted by Jacob on Tue, 19 Dec 2023

Experiencing Relief from Dental Pain Toothaches are infamous for their ability to cause excruciating pain, often leaving us apprehensive about enduring such discomfort. Yet, what should one make of a relentless toothache that suddenly vanishes without a trace? Should you embrace the relief or worry about potential returning or worsening issues? Here's an exploration of toothache causes and what to do if yours inexplicably disappears – often, consulting an emergency dentist is the best course ...

Understanding the Sudden Disappearance of a Toothache, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

The Vital Role of Dental Cleaning in Preventing Oral Health Problems

Posted by Jacob on Fri, 17 Nov 2023

Maintaining optimal oral health is a cornerstone of overall well-being, and dental cleaning plays a pivotal role in this regard by addressing various facets of oral care: 1. Plaque and Tartar Elimination Dental cleaning involves the meticulous removal of plaque—a bacterial film that accumulates on teeth surfaces—and tartar, the hardened form of plaque along the gumline. The elimination of these substances is critical as unchecked plaque can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. 2...

The Vital Role of Dental Cleaning in Preventing Oral Health Problems, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

The Vital Role of Dental Cleaning in Preventing Oral Health Problems

Posted by Jacob on Fri, 17 Nov 2023

Maintaining optimal oral health is a cornerstone of overall well-being, and dental cleaning plays a pivotal role in this regard by addressing various facets of oral care: 1. Plaque and Tartar Elimination Dental cleaning involves the meticulous removal of plaque—a bacterial film that accumulates on teeth surfaces—and tartar, the hardened form of plaque along the gumline. The elimination of these substances is critical as unchecked plaque can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. 2...

The Vital Role of Dental Cleaning in Preventing Oral Health Problems, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Detecting and Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Your Dentist's Vital Role

Posted by Jacob on Fri, 6 Oct 2023

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a prevalent yet often undiagnosed sleep disorder that can have severe health implications. While it's widely recognized that OSA can be detected and treated by sleep specialists, many people are unaware of the crucial role that dentists can play in identifying and managing this condition. Understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a disorder marked by recurrent interruptions in breathing during sleep. It occurs when the muscles in ...

Detecting and Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Your Dentist's Vital Role, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Emergency vs. Routine Dental Care: Your Quick Guide

Posted by Jacob on Fri, 8 Sep 2023

When it comes to dental care, most of us are familiar with the routine check-ups scheduled every six months. These visits ensure that our teeth and gums stay in tip-top shape, but what happens when an unexpected dental emergency strikes? Knowing how to differentiate between emergency and routine dental care can be crucial for your oral health. Urgent Dental Emergencies: Urgent dental emergencies are situations that require immediate attention and should take precedence over your regular dental...

Emergency vs. Routine Dental Care: Your Quick Guide, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Conquering Needle Phobia: Introducing The Wand for Painless Anesthesia

Posted by Jacob on Wed, 9 Aug 2023

Are you one of the many individuals who feel a shiver down their spine at the mere thought of a dental injection? Dental anxiety, especially surrounding injections, is a common concern for many people. The good news is, there's a breakthrough technology designed to transform your dental experience and make those fears a thing of the past. The Wand: Your Comfort Partner Alexandra Park Dental is proud...

Conquering Needle Phobia: Introducing The Wand for Painless Anesthesia, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Dental Restoration Treatment for Tooth Decay: Restoring Your Smile

Posted by Jacob on Thu, 6 Jul 2023

Tooth decay is a common oral issue that affects many individuals at some point in their lives. The acids present in certain foods and the bacteria in our mouths can erode tooth enamel, leading to visible damage and loss of functionality. However, there is hope for those dealing with tooth decay through dental restoration treatments. In this article, we will explore various treatment options available to repair damaged teeth and restore both their appearance and function. The earliest stages o...

Dental Restoration Treatment for Tooth Decay: Restoring Your Smile, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Maintaining Dental Health: Understanding and Preventing Tooth Cavities

Posted by Jacob on Thu, 8 Jun 2023

The health of our teeth is vital for overall well-being. Neglecting dental care can lead to tooth decay and cavities, which can have serious consequences. In this blog post, we will explore the common signs and symptoms of tooth cavities, understand what causes them, and learn preventive measures to keep our teeth in optimal condition. What is a Cavity? Tooth decay occurs when bacteria and food particles accumulate on our teeth, forming plaque. The bacteria in plaque produce acids that erode...

Maintaining Dental Health: Understanding and Preventing Tooth Cavities, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Why You Should Never Ignore a Toothache: The Risks of Delaying Treatment

Posted by Jacob on Thu, 4 May 2023

Neglecting a persistent and throbbing toothache can disrupt your daily routine and overall well-being. Tooth decay and gum disease are common causes of this dental issue, and it is crucial to address them promptly. While some toothaches may resolve on their own, ignoring them could have severe consequences, including the spread of infection to other parts of the body. Maintaining good oral hygiene is key to preventing tooth decay and gum disease and avoiding potentially life-threatening infectio...

Why You Should Never Ignore a Toothache: The Risks of Delaying Treatment, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Toothache or Earache? How to Tell the Difference

Posted by Jacob on Mon, 3 Apr 2023

A toothache or an earache can be extremely unpleasant and distracting. Differentiating between the two is difficult since they frequently exhibit similar symptoms. Even dental irritation, sometimes known as referred pain, can cause earaches. We'll examine the signs and causes of toothaches and earaches in order to assist you distinguish between these two conditions. We'll also offer advice on how to distinguish between the two and stress the significance of seeking the advice of a certified m...

Toothache or Earache? How to Tell the Difference, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Oral Health During Pregnancy: Myths, Concerns, and Safety

Posted by Jacob on Thu, 9 Mar 2023

Pregnancy and Oral Health Physically and mentally, being pregnant is a period of change and development. Pregnant women must take extra precautions to preserve their general health, along with their dental health. Sadly, there are still a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions concerning dental care during pregnancy, which causes some pregnant women to avoid dental checkups. It's important to maintain good dental health throughout pregnancy since it can benefit the mother's and th...

Oral Health During Pregnancy: Myths, Concerns, and Safety, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

The Benefits of Professional Dental Cleanings: Separating Fact from Fiction

Posted by Jacob on Fri, 3 Feb 2023

Your semi-annual dental cleaning appointment is coming up, but you may feel confident in your daily oral hygiene routine and feel that your teeth are fine. Despite this, dentists and dental hygienists perform these cleanings at their office, usually alongside a comprehensive dental exam. Skipping this appointment may seem harmless, but it is important to understand the benefits of professional dental cleanings. Brushing vs. Professional Cleaning Brushing your teeth regularly offers many benefi...

The Benefits of Professional Dental Cleanings: Separating Fact from Fiction, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Why You Shouldn't Just Pull Your Teeth

Posted by Jacob on Wed, 4 Jan 2023

When faced with tooth pain or the high cost of dental treatment, it can be tempting to just pull the tooth and be done with it. However, this decision can have serious consequences for your overall oral health. When you lose a tooth, the surrounding teeth can shift and move out of place, leading to problems with your bite and making it difficult to chew and speak properly. Losing a tooth can also cause the jawbone in that area to shrink and weaken, affecting the support and stability of your r...

Why You Shouldn't Just Pull Your Teeth, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Benefits and drawbacks of having wisdom teeth removed

Posted by MarketDental on Mon, 12 Dec 2022

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are a set of teeth that typically grow in during a person's late teenage years or early twenties. They are located at the back of the mouth, behind the molars. While some people do not experience any problems with their wisdom teeth, others may develop issues such as pain, discomfort, or decay. In these cases, wisdom tooth extraction may be recommended. Dr. Richard W. Lee will consider several factors when deciding whether or not to extract your w...

Benefits and drawbacks of having wisdom teeth removed, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Signs to Look For If You Grind Your Teeth At Night

Posted by Lucian on Sat, 26 Nov 2022

Grinding your teeth (technical term bruxism) at night is a harmful condition that can be seriously detrimental to your oral health. Especially since you are doing it when you are asleep, it can take serious symptoms to start showing until you are able to recognize that a problem is even occurring. Unless you have someone to keep an eye on you when you sleep, how can you tell if you are grinding your teeth at night? Disrupted Sleep Sleep disruption is the first clue that you might be e...

Signs to Look For If You Grind Your Teeth At Night, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Braces or Invisalign? Which one is better for you?

Posted by Anum on Wed, 12 Oct 2022

Braces vs Invisalign Besides giving you a beautiful smile, straightening your teeth improves your overall oral health. Straightening your teeth aligns your jaw and corrects your bite, and it also helps you stave off cavities because straight teeth are easier to clean. When you are considering orthodontics to get your teeth straightened, two of the most popular choices for treatment are traditional braces or Invisalign. Both braces and Invisalign are designed t...

Braces or Invisalign? Which one is better for you?, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Posted by Anum on Tue, 30 Aug 2022

Dental health is an important part of your overall health. And if you’re pregnant, it’s an important part of your prenatal care as well. Being pregnant can increase your risk for oral health problems, and these problems can affect your pregnancy. For example, some studies show a link between gum disease and premature birth. How does pregnancy affect your dental health? Changes in your body during pregnancy can affect your teeth and gums in several ways. Increased level...

Dental Care During Pregnancy, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Have Dental Anxiety But Need to See the Dentist

Posted by Anum on Fri, 22 Jul 2022

Are you afraid of visiting the dentist? A big percentage of Canadians worry before their dental appointment, and many of them avoid regular dental check-ups due to extreme fear. Unlike some phobias that don’t need addressing, routine dental appointments are too vital to your health to skip. There are many reasons that you might fear the dentist. Perhaps you had a painful experience in the dental chair when you were young. Some of the other reasons can be: A fear that the dent...

Have Dental Anxiety But Need to See the Dentist, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Does Root Canal Hurt?

Posted by Anum on Thu, 16 Jun 2022

Root canal is known to be a painful, stressful, and uncomfortable procedure. But this is actually quite far from the truth. In reality, root canals are completely painless, and are actually the best way to get relief from the discomfort of a damaged, infected tooth. Root Canal Procedure is not painful. The truth is it’s your tooth that hurts, not the actual procedure. When you need a root canal, it’s usually because there is an infection deep within you tooth or decay tha...

Does Root Canal Hurt?, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Do Dental Implants Last Forever?

Posted by Anum on Thu, 5 May 2022

Dental implants are an excellent option for long-term tooth replacement, looking like and requiring only the maintenance given to natural teeth. But how long do dental implants usually last? With modern technology in dental implants, implant failures due to rejection or functionality issues are now very rare. Misuse of the implant, pre-existing medical conditions and diseases are now the most likely reasons when an implant does fail. Are dental implants permanent? With regul...

Do Dental Implants Last Forever?, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

What Causes Toothache?

Posted by Anum on Thu, 7 Apr 2022

From time to time we can develop toothaches or throbbing tooth pain that can last for a day or longer, which can affect our eating habits, our ability to sleep, and how we go about our day-to-day lives. Knowing the causes of toothache is very important in properly treating the actual issue and not just relieving the toothache pain. If you do not have a dentist in Leduc, contact our office to see a dentist if you experience toothache. What Causes Tooth Pain? Cavity The most comm...

What Causes Toothache?, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Do I Really Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Posted by Lucian on Tue, 22 Mar 2022

Wisdom teeth are the third and last set of molars that grow during the earlier stage of human development. However, today, thanks to advanced oral care and hygiene, they are merely obsolete since our molars are all that are necessary. Most issues with wisdom teeth happen when a person is between 15 and 25 years old, and very few people older than 30 experience problems with them. When is it a good idea to have your wisdom teeth removed? The decision about whether or not to have w...

Do I Really Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

How Often Should Your Child See a Dentist?

Posted by Anum on Tue, 15 Feb 2022

Sometimes it can be hard to tell how much dental care a child needs. Parents usually have lots of different questions, such as when their child should first visit the dentist, at what age their child should start flossing, and how often to schedule regular dental checkups. Your Child's First Dental Visit The Canadian Dental Association recommends the assessment of infants, by a dentist, within 6 months of the eruption of the first tooth or by one year of age. It is important to see...

How Often Should Your Child See a Dentist?, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

How Do I Take Care of my Dental Implants?

Posted by Lucian on Mon, 17 Jan 2022

If you recently had Dental Implants at our Leduc Dental Clinic or you are planning to get Dental Implants, you know the value of having your smile back again. Now that you can eat all of the foods you love again, taking care of that dental implant is likely a priority for you. Dental Implants need to be taken care of in the same way as your other teeth. If you don’t take care of your dental implants, then bacteria will collect near the gum and cause all kinds of problems. With proper car...

How Do I Take Care of my Dental Implants?, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

Know Your Dental Insurance Plan

Posted by Lucian on Fri, 7 Jan 2022

Dental Insurance makes it easy for many Canadians to enjoy healthy teeth and gums but do you know what your dental insurance covers? Each insurance plan is unique and offers varying amounts, percentages covered, deductibles, and types of procedures covered. Many dental plans work on an annual basis, meaning your dental benefits are forfeited at the close of the year. Things to know about your Dental Insurance Plan: What is covered each year? Is there a deductible? Is there a total...

Know Your Dental Insurance Plan, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

COVID-19 Pandemic Controls

Posted by MarketDental on Mon, 25 May 2020

The health and safety of our patients, staff and the community is our top priority.Heightened health and safety precautions are currently in place at our office to limitthe risk of community transmission of COVID-19. Above and beyond the minimumsafety requirements that are followed, the office has invested in several additionalmeasures including the upcoming installation in June 2020 of Novaerus AirDisinfection technology which has been independently tested to reduce MS2Bacteriophage,a surrogate...

COVID-19 Pandemic Controls, Dentist Leduc, Dental Clinic Leduc

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Dental Hygiene & Cleanings Leduc.

Preventive dentistry is the key to a long-lasting, healthy smile. Professional dental care is just as essential as brushing and flossing regularly. Preventative care in the form of professional dental services is crucial to avoiding difficult and expensive dental issues later on.

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