Alexandra Park Dental

Dental Hygiene & Cleanings Leduc

Proudly Serving Leduc

Dental Hygiene & Cleanings

Dental Hygiene & Cleanings Leduc

Preventive dentistry is the key to a long-lasting, healthy smile. Professional dental care is just as essential as brushing and flossing regularly. Preventative care in the form of professional dental services is crucial to avoiding difficult and expensive dental issues later on.

Our dental hygienists are skilled and knowledgeable. When you come in for your dental hygiene appointment, your hygienist will assess your oral health, using a combination of traditional techniques and modern technology.

Time for your next appointment? contact us today.

Dental Exams: Our Process

Our staff are friendly and love getting to know our patients. This alllows us to provide quality, personalized care for you.

New to our clinic? Our staff review your medical history and will discuss any current medication, dental, or health concerns you may have. If you're a continuing care patient, we will take a few minutes to make sure everything is up to date with you.

A hygienist will then take you for a comprehensive exam and assess the condition of your teeth, gums, and tongue for any signs of decay, disease, or other issues. Our staff will also check your bite alignment and range of motion of your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The last thing our staff will do is screen for oral cancer and worn out or damaged dental work.

Depending when your last appointment was, your hygienist may also take x-rays to further inspect your mouth below the gumline.

After your dental exam, our staff will review their findings with you and together, build or adjust a dental plan to help you maintain good oral health for years to come.

Do I need to have my teeth professionally cleaned?

Even if you brush and floss after every meal and before bed, bacteria-harbouring plaque can accumulate in the tiny crevices, grooves and pits. Overtime, the teeth will begin to decay in those areas, which may result in pain and partial or total tooth loss.

During your dental appointment with us, our hygienists will clean your mouth thoroughly, paying special attention to areas that are difficult to reach with a normal brush and floss.

After your dental cleaning, our hygienist will spend some time with you to discuss your oral routine and any other questions or concerns.

If you are looking for a dentist in Leduc for please call us at 587.671.1378 or book an appointment online.

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Dental Hygiene & Cleanings Leduc.

Preventive dentistry is the key to a long-lasting, healthy smile. Professional dental care is just as essential as brushing and flossing regularly. Preventative care in the form of professional dental services is crucial to avoiding difficult and expensive dental issues later on.

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